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Prof. Liane Rossi

Dr. Liane M. Rossi received a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul –UFRGS (Brazil) in 1994 and her PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC (Brazil) in 2001. After a two-year postdoctoral stay at UFRGS (Brazil) and a one-year postdoctoral stay at University of New Orleans (USA), in 2004 she joined the Institute of Chemistry at University of São Paulo - USP (Brazil) where she has been a Full Professor since 2016. Her research interests include novel approaches for the synthesis of supported metal nanoparticles with controlled sizes and morphologies, the development of magnetically recoverable catalysts to facilitate catalyst recovery and recycling in liquid-phase reactions, selective green reactions, including hydrogenations and oxidations, and biomass conversion into chemicals, including CO2 capture and conversion. She is the Director of the Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) Program at the Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI). She is an Associate Editor at ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, an Editorial Advisory Board Member at ACS Catalysis and Chemistry Select (ChemPubSoc and Wiley), and an International Advisory Board Member at Angewandte Chemie. She is a member of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ), Brazilian Catalysis Society (SBCAT) and American Chemical Society (ACS). In 2021, she was elected a member of the Brazilian Academy of Science.
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